“I love this book! …I want this book on my bookshelf so I can read it very often.”
~Hazel White, age 6
“This book is amazing and so timely! Even as an adult, it spoke to me in this unsettled world we live in. This is magnificent!”
~Britney Walker, J.D., Wife, Mother, Christ-Follower
“…I highly recommend this book for children of all ages who are facing fear of any kind. It’s a treasure for sure!”
~Dr. Dorothy Leal, Professor Emeritus of Literacy and Children’s Literature Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
“I love the content of this book and the author’s writing style. She is theologically on point and practically helpful to parents. If you’re a parent or know parents of young children, get this book…and watch God at work!”
~Pastor Dean Fulks, Lifepoint Church
“A beautifully written, easy to share story about God’s perfect love and power over our fears.”
~Christine Mallory, International Bible Study Area Team Advisor
“Jen has taken an all-too-familiar moment in the life of the family and created opportunity for parents and children to look to THE light in the darkness together. Full of Biblical truth, beautiful illustrations, and Jen’s endearing writing style – our family loved reading Please Turn on the Light and so will yours!”
~Chris Warszawksi, Family Ministries Pastor, Lifepoint Church
“Please Turn on the Light! is amazing! Sweet, thoughtful, nurturing and nourishing. Christ-centered and beautiful! I love the layers of depth and the analogies of light woven throughout.”
~Jen Oswald, Mom, Christ-follower
“This book helps me put my child’s hand in Jesus’ hand and give the foundational truths that will carry them all their lives. It even helps establish in my heart what I’ve learned through years of Bible study! …Very well done!”
~Gina White, Mother, Elementary Education, Christ-Follower
“Such a sweet, profound, and creative book for little ones and parents alike. A practical message about God being the ultimate security and true “night-light” regarding our fears. The author uses a creative approach of taking the complex things of the Bible and making it simple. My 4 year old enjoyed the story.”
~Becky Andreas, MA Counseling
“Jen Ashcraft’s grounding in children’s ministry, her own experiences in parenting and, most of all her deep love for Jesus come together in this tender story about fear and God’s perfect peace. Please Turn on the Light! will be a treasured story for children and resource for parents who want their little ones to know and trust the Savior.”
~Connie Berry, International Bible Study Teaching Leader of 30 years
“The message of this book is SO timely! I love the heart shift that it portrays and pray it for each of us, children AND adults! My hope is that the Lord will use it in a unique way as it releases into the world. I’m excited to share it!”
~Angie Fulks, Wife, Mother and Christ-follower
“Thank you to the author for her obedience to the Lord through writing this book! I believe God will use it mightily! What a wonderful story to help children overcome fear! As a mother of three older boys, I would have loved to have had this book on my bookshelf when they were little. Declaring the truth of God’s Word and covering our children in prayer is our greatest responsibility as parents, and “Please Turn the Light On” reminds us. May God use this book to shine His light in the darkness.”
~Nicole Angulo, Assistant Principal
“Please Turn On The Light! is a beautifully written and illustrated book that ministers to the souls of children and adults alike. The book tackles the issue of fear, something most, if not all, of us struggle with during different seasons of life. Jen uses a child’s fear of the dark to point her readers to Jesus, the Light of the world. Woven gracefully throughout the book is the work of the Trinity in the lives of God’s children. I highly recommend Please Turn On The Light! To children of all ages and anyone else in need of soul refreshment!”
~Kelly Prior, Bible Study Class Administrator
“This book is precious! I love the story and illustrations and think this will minster to parents and kids alike who struggle with fear… (isn’t that all of us?!?)”
~Denise Steele, Wife, Mother & Business Owner
“This is a wonderful children’s book to help kids process through and find real peace and hope in Christ in regards to their fear. In our current world there are so many unknowns and things that can be scary and cause fear in children. Yet most children, no matter what their challenges, can be afraid of the dark. This book helps them find courage and strength within through the power and love of Christ starting with the dark, but can be a foundation for so much more strength. I love the journal at the end to help your child remember and reflect on the presence and reassurance of our loving God. Thank you to the author for answering God’s calling on her life!”
~Lori Vu-Miller, Early Childhood Education
“My daughter, who is in 7th grade, and I read the book together and we give it a 10 rating because we enjoyed it so much!! I really appreciated the authors flow of describing God’s light. And one of my favorite things is the journal at the end that allows children to see that God is real and He is faithful! Well done! To God be the glory!”
~Kendra Tsibouris, Bible Study Children’s Supervisor
“Please Turn on the Light “ is a beautiful and comforting bedtime story filled with God’s powerful truth. This heartwarming book brings back cherished memories of tucking in my daughters at night with stories of God’s eternal love. I look forward to reading it someday to a grandchild!”
~Jenny Hoover, Mother and Administrative Assistant
“What a wonderful book that is sure to reach little hearts that are afraid. Many parents go through the “fear of the dark”, with their children. This book could be a nightly read as they help their child or children overcome! It was beautiful to see a mother/child love that transcends exhaustion. This story will resonate with many parents who have experienced sleepless nights with a child who is afraid of the dark. This book also shares tips on how to handle fear in such a loving way. It doesn’t involve yelling or taking away electronics the next day (like so many of us do out of desperation for sleep). Instead, the book demonstrates how to care for your child’s heart with great truth through the tiredness and even frustration for some. Christian and non-Christian alike will be moved by the love and care shared through these pages. A very familiar story with a beautiful twist of explaining the true light. Please add this to your home library. So many children will find comfort in this story. And so will parents and caregivers. Get extra copies and give them away as gifts! A bonus that this book offers is some very applicable pages to read after you finish the story. They will change your life!“
~Janice Mitchell, Wife, Mother, Christ-follower
“I loved this book!! I love the supporting Scripture, that there’s opportunity to give your life to Christ and then play ‘I Spy!’ I am so excited that this book is on the book shelves! May God bless the author for putting this out there!”
~Rhonda Snodgrass, sister in Christ
“The truths in this book are many and tenderly speak to a child’s fearful heart. I love how Jen shines a spotlight on the power that God’s Presence ushers into a person’s heart that produces courage and joy. I appreciate the ‘Scriptural Foundation’ and ‘I Spy’ sections of the book that bring parent and child together to have conversations and grow in their respective faith walks.”
~Sara Gilham, Jesus-lover, Wife, Mom and Bible study teaching leader
“I love how the mom in this sweet story invites God into the time with her daughter. –This is such great encouragement for parents to look for teachable moments! I love the journaling spot in the back too!”
~Emily Fisher, Teacher, Mom and follower of Christ
“Please Turn on the Light handles creatively the issue of fear and beautifully points us to God and His truth which can give us peace.”
~Michelle Prindle, Christ-follower
“How wonderful to know we have the safe and inextinguishable light of Jesus in our hearts to shine brightly –and brighter still, to calm our fears and give peace!! This is a beautiful truth for every child of God!”
~J.F. Child of God, Wife, and Mom of 2