
Please Turn on the Light! by Jen Ashcraft & illustrated by Avi Katz

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Please Turn on the Light! book trailer
Please Turn on the Light
Please Turn on the Light! cover

A letter from my heart to yours…

My kids are now older, but when I was in those early, physically exhausting years of parenting, I was tired–I was opening the microwave to get the the milk kind of tired! I loved when God would give me just the right book to read to Grace and Caleb that would capture their attention, teach them about His love for them from a unique angle, and rejuvenate my own soul in the process!

It is my heart’s desire not only to share with your children God’s comfort and love for them but to also rejuvenate your soul in the process, like He did mine. I pray you and your children will have deep and meaningful conversations throughout the years as they discover the biblical layers revealed in the words and pictures throughout “Please Turn on the Light!.”

Be sure to read through the foundational Scripture references listed in the back, as well as record how your child has spied God and taken steps of faith. –Those will be a blessing to look back on! May God be honored and glorified as we look to Him to refresh our souls in our everyday lives. Please share your thoughts and stories with me. I’d love to hear from you!